Moorfields London - Trained Eye Surgeons For Laser Treatment

Our Consultants

North London's Eye Hospital

Qualified and experienced consultants

Bola Odufuwa-Bolger

Bola Odufuwa-Bolger

MBBS DO FRCS (Ed) FRCOphth MSc CertLRS; PGDip LRSConsultant and Surgeon
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John Bolger

John Bolger

M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.O., F.R.C.S., F.E.B.O.S.-CRConsultant and Surgeon
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Sancy Low

Sancy Low

MB BS BSc(Hons) PhD FRCOphthConsultant and Surgeon
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Radwan Almousa

Radwan Almousa

MD FRCOphth CertLRSConsultant and Surgeon
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Yvonne Luo

Yvonne Luo

M.B., B.Chir., M.A.(Cantab), FRCOphth, PhDConsultant and Surgeon
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Maria Dimitry

Maria Dimitry

MBBS, MSc, FRCOphth, CertLRSConsultant and Surgeon
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Tina Khanam

Tina Khanam

MBBS, BSc (intercal), MSc, FRCOPhth, PG Dip CRS, Cert LRSConsultant and Surgeon
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Sheila Luk

Sheila Luk

MBBS; iBSc; FRCOphthConsultant and Surgeon
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Fatima Mangera

Fatima Mangera

MCOptom BSc (Hons) Optometry, MmedSci (Orthoptics) BSc (Orthoptics)Orthoptist/Optometrist
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Bhavi Pandya

Bhavi Pandya

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