Eyelid surgery for Cysts, Chalazion, Styes & blepharoplasty - London

Eyelid surgery London

Medical and cosmetic Eyelid surgery for Cysts, Chalazion, Styes, blepharoplasty, and more.

From £200

Our UK’s top oculoplastic surgeons treat and correct your eyelid conditions with our easy and stress-free treatment options.

Medical Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid malposition (Entropion, ectropion correction)

Entropion treatment (Correction of the inward eyelid)
We offer Entropion surgery to correct the upper or lower eyelids turning inwards into the eye. Entropion can cause your eyelashes to rub against your eye's surface, including sensitivity to light, watery eyes and discharge.
Our oculoplastic surgeon will correct the eyelid malposition, preventing irritation and future vision loss.
If you have been diagnosed with Entropion, we can book you a private consultation to see our oculoplastic specialist.
This consultation is an all-inclusive assessment to understand the condition of your eyes and your specialist will be your surgeon on your day of treatment.
Find out more about our Entropion treatment today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Chalazion Removal Treatment Cost From £350 per eye

Ectropion treatment (Correction of the lower eyelid)

We offer Ectropion surgery to correct drooping eyelids that turn inside and/ or expose the outside of the eye. Ectropion is a condition caused by weakening tendons and muscle tissue which will under and/or overexpose the eyelid.
Our oculoplastic surgeon will relieve discomfort and side effects of Ectropion (such as soreness, irritation and blockage of tears) by removing excess skin and strengthening the muscle to rest normally on your eye.
Our private consultation is all-inclusive of eye scans and assessments, which will help your consultant diagnose your Ectropion condition and prepare you for your treatment day.
Find out more about our Ectropion treatment today
Private Consultation Cost £200
Ectropion Treatment Cost From £3,000

Eyelid Cyst removal (removing a cyst from the eyelid)

Removing a cyst on an eyelid couldn't be easier with our oculoplastic surgeon. We offer a private consultation which is all-inclusive of eye scans and assessments which inform your consultant of your cysts condition and prepare you for your treatment day.
An eyelid cyst is a fairly common eye condition that is caused by a blockage in your eyelid oil glands. To ease your symptoms of discomfort and irritation, our surgeon will remove the cyst and correct your eyelid malposition, which will prevent irritation, further infection and future vision loss. You can learn more about our cyst eyelid treatment below.
Find out more about our cyst removal treatment today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Eyelid Cyst Removal Treatment Cost From £350

Eyelid Chalazion removal (Removing a Chalazion from the eyelid).

Treatment for a Chalazion removal with our oculoplastic surgeon is a simple and stress-free procedure to prevent discomfort and prolonged irritation of your condition.
A Chalazion is identified as a red bump that swells on your eyelid. This can develop as a result of an untreated cyst and is caused by chronic inflammation from an oil gland (meibomian) being blocked in your eyelid.
Our oculoplastic surgeon specializes in Chalazion removal treatment and easing any symptoms of irritation you are experiencing. We offer a private consultation with our specialist, which is all-inclusive of eye scans and assessments to understand the condition of your Chalazion and prepare for your treatment day.
Find out more about our Chalazion removal treatment today
Private Consultation Cost £200
Chalazion Removal Treatment Cost From £350

Eye Stye Removal (Removing a stye)

Removing a stye is a simple and stress-free procedure. Our oculoplastic surgeon will be able to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of the stye, which, left untreated, may cause the stye infection to grow.
A stye is identified as a small, red, uncomfortable bump which develops from bacteria infecting an eyelid gland or an eyelash follicle.
If you are experiencing pain, irritation, swelling and discomfort, we offer an all-inclusive private consultation where our specialist will diagnose your stye condition by carrying out relevant eye scans and assessments.
Your specialist will prepare you for your treatment day and will answer any questions you may have about your condition and treatment.
Find out more about our stye removal treatment today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Stye Removal Treatment Cost From £350

Ptosis surgery (correcting upper eyelid)

Ptosis is identified as a condition which causes the upper eyelid to droop, sometimes blocking and restricting vision. This is commonly caused by nerve damage in the eye, which can affect the eye’s muscle strength.
If you can identify with Ptosis or have been already diagnosed with the condition, our oculoplastic surgeon can relieve your symptoms and correct the excess skin by shortening the muscles and tendons to raise the eyelid, restoring your ability to see and restore the symmetry between your upper eyelids.
We provide a private consultation with our specialist, inclusive of all relevant eye scans and assessments with a confirmed diagnosis of your condition. Once you are seen by our specialist, they will answer and advise you on any questions you may have and will prepare you for your treatment day. Your specialist will be dedicated to your consultation and surgery, and will answer any questions you may have about your condition and treatment.
Find out more about our Ptosis surgery today
Private Consultation Cost £200
Ptosis Treatment Cost From £3,500

Pterygium Surgery (removing extra tissue from the eyes surface)

We offer Pterygium surgery to remove the overgrowth of the conjunctiva tissue, which develops at the front of the eye’s surface. In extreme cases, Pterygium can cause vision loss if left untreated and is generally experienced with irritation, inflammation and continual growth of the tissue.
Our oculoplastic surgeon will remove the overgrown tissue on the eye’s surface and permanently implant a healthy graft of tissue in order to prevent any future growth of eye tissue.
At our clinic, we offer a private consultation, all-inclusive of relevant eye scans and assessments, for our specialist to diagnose your condition and prepare you for your treatment day. Your specialist will be dedicated to your consultation and surgery and will answer any questions you may have about your condition and treatment.
Find out more about our Pterygium surgery today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Pterygium Treatment Cost From £1,900

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Show the beauty of your eyes to the rest of the world with our cosmetic eyelid surgeries.

Eyebrow lift (used to address droopy or heavy eyebrows)
Eyebrow lifts are a painless cosmetic procedure that will restore a natural, beautiful and symmetrical appearance. Our oculoplastic surgeon will make a small incision in the temporal side of your eye hidden inside the hairline to lift the temporal part of the brow.
An eyebrow lift is a stress-free procedure which our specialist will discuss with you at your private consultation to prepare you for your treatment day.
Find out more about our eyebrow lift treatment today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Eyebrow Lift Treatment Cost From £3,500

Blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction)

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure we offer at our clinic to reduce excess sagging, wrinkles and baggy skin which develops under the eyes. This cosmetic treatment is very common and reshapes the eyelids for a healthy, natural and refreshed appearance.
We offer an all-inclusive, private consultation with our specialist, who will advise and talk you through the cosmetic treatment.
They will talk you through your expectations, your preparations for treatment and what to expect on the surgery day.
Find out more about our eyelid reduction treatment today
Private Consultation Cost £200
Blepharoplasty Treatment Cost From £3,000
Ptosis surgery (shortening the muscles or tendons that raise the eyelid)

Blepharospasm botox injections (correcting involuntary spasms of the eyes)

Eye squint spasm symptoms (commonly known as ‘blepharospasm’) can be corrected with our botox injections. Our oculoplastic surgeon will treat your involuntary spasms by blocking the nerve signals with botox. Botox for blepharospasm lasts for 2-3 months.
Squints can be caused by many reasons, which vary from previous surgery, trauma to the eyes, previous illness, developmental complications, uncorrected longsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness, myopia or astigmatism and/or weak muscles and nerves. Squints can cause headaches, double vision and an appearance of misaligning (crossed) eyes.
By choosing to correct your squint through blepharospasm injections, our oculoplastic surgeon will help reduce any symptoms that are causing you irritation such as: Double vision, eye strain, headaches, difficulty in peripheral vision and eye appearance.
Find out more about our Blepharospasm injections today
  • Private Consultation Cost £200
  • Blepharospasm botox injections From £550

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